Woo hoo hoo! Yippy! Happy! Okay, I'm tired. *yawnz* But I ain't going back to sleep or nap. Hate doing that after I'm already up and running about [unless I really can't stand it and need lotsa ZzZzZzzZz].
I woke up at 6.30am yeterday and today. Why? Because I gotta send my sweet darling precious dear [yeah as if! My foot!] brother, cousin and her friend to school. Why? Because my Dad's out of town for these 2 days and my Mum insisted I send them to school. Why? Because she said they are having exams, very important! They need the extra little sleep they can get. Bull shit! And WHY me? Because I'm the only other one who has got a driving license. Usually my Dad would the nice guy who drives them to school before going to work, so now it's my turn to drive 'em since he's outta town. How nice eh? I'm a good gal. Haha.. another bull shit! Oh well... Skip the complaining.
Ho ho ho! So shiok! Why? Because I don't have to use the P-Plate [probation plate] anymore! Woo Hooo!!! No more a probationary driver! Upgraded from 13 demerit points to 24! Woo la la! *shakes ass* Time flies, before you know it 1 year's gone. 12th September 2003 I passed my driving test! 12th September 2004, goodbye to Mr. P-Plate! And yesterday was my first time to drive the car without the P! Yeah!
One more thing... *drums roll*
May your b'day be as colourful as this one over there in London.
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
More at xiaobaosg.com
6 years ago