Woo hoo.. Finally manage to really get my butt down and blog this really long long long entry of the week. It's been a real busy week, I've decided to compile all the week's happenings into one blog. 7-in-1 you can call it. Not 7-11 [it's a store and more], but 7-in-1! Perhaps I should have used 7-in-1 for this blog title instead, but heck. lol..
10:00 am - Hougang MRT
"Redeem a pair of free tickets (at Eng Wah Suntec only) for a selected movie on the last Thursday of the month, when you present your UOB Visa Mini and any Mini charge slip for the month."
Redeption starts today at 10am. I met up with Lisi. We headed off to Suntec City's Eng Wah cinema to redeem The Terminal movie tickets. The Terminal was the movie of the month. Yippy! We so very much wanted to catch this great movie!
11:00am - Suntec City
I swore we or I almost teared again when we saw the sign "UOB Visa Mini Movie Fully Redeemed" Ahh.. what luck! Wonder what time did those people really came to Q for thisman. Disappointedly we headed off to get Lisi's belated b-day pressie; an ultra cool silver colour panasonic ear phones! Think I'm gonna aim for that one when my earphones a gone case.
1:30pm - Muji @ Bugis
I came across a plastic container or something, meant to hold a roll of aluminium. Easy storage, easy tearing. I though I could get that for my mum's birthday pressie. Her birthday's just around the corner. Yeah, I'm such a cheapskate. But it's thought that counts *grinz* [Oh well, when I got home and gave it to my mum, she complained that the aluminium at home couldn't fit into the one I gave her. Arrg, darn Muji. But I still love Muji though stuffs are so hell expensive.]
2:30pm - Tanjong Pagar
We caught up with my Lao Ba, Boon Xiong, for lunch. It's been a really long time yeah. When I was about to ascend the stairs to Tanjong Pagar Market for our lunch, Boon Xiong accidentally stepped on my slip-ons, and what do you know... *PIAK* one of the straps on my left footwear snapped off. Haha.. My oh my... My God! The slip-ons has served me well for the past year or so, I didn't realise it's getting on its years. Time to change new shoes! *evil grinz* Good thing we savoured the all time fav, Peanut Ice Kachang, at the hawker. :) We three had a really long catch up. Heard stories about Boon Xiong's previous job. Lucky that he took the big step to leave that job. After lunch, Lisi suggested we go get some saftey pins to "glue" back my ruined footwear for the time being. Great idea! And I didn't have to limp after the salvage.
7:00pm - Charles & Keith @ Compasspoint
Lisi and I met up with my Godsis, Peilin, to look at shoes. Peilin has got a 20% off voucher. Looks like I gotta buy my shoes today since my slip-ons went on half-strike earlier on in the afternoon. Haha... I got a pretty neat pair. It's pretty pretty, can be worn for both semi-formal and casual events/happenings. Peilin got a casual slip-ons. But I didn't expect the blur salesgirl to have swop our shoes in the boxes. I ended up taking Peilin's pair and vice versa. Before heading home I had to rush off to Peilin's place for the exchange [ I was hanging out at Lisi's place watching a TV serial before that].
10:30am - Michael's flat
Michael had a friend, Frank, over from Germany for the week. He wanted to introduce us to each other. We chilled out a little at Michael's place before heading down to a nearby KPT - Kopitiam [coffee shop] for some roti prata brunch [Roti means bread in Malay. Roti prata: Indian pancake served with curry. You can have it plain or order it with egg and/or onion. Brunch = breakfast + lunch]. I like my roti prata with onion. At first Frank seemed kinda shy, pretty quiet. But as we all talked, he sorta warm up to us [or me] a little. He even taught me how to say a very bad word in German. Arschloch meaning asshole. Haha.. and I couldn't bring myself to use it on Michael when Frank suggested I practise the new word on Michael. Back at Michael's place, I borrow so many DVDs from him. He's like some kinda DVD rental to me. Sorry Mic if this sounds unpleasant to use. haha... And yeah! I got the Sex and the City serials from him as well. I managed to get those for seasons 1 and 2 and 5. Hip hip hooray! I'm so lucky! BIG THANK YOU to you Mic!!! ^_^
3:30pm - Syndy's residence
After an hour long ride on the upper deck of a non-aircon double deck bus all the way from Hougang to Dover, I finally made it in one piece to Syndy's place. Phew! Poor Syndy, she's still down with chicken pox. She still has so many little chick poxy all over her. Though freaking, I was really amused by those poxes. Hope they won't leave too much a scar on Syndy. Syndy looked so thin! Argh, how I envy her slim slender leg [pretend there ain't any poxes on them]. She seemed so bored to be stucked at home. After an hour or so at her place, I thought she was faking the headaches and giddiness when she told me about it. I didn't believed her, it wasn't until she puked that I freaked out. Guess it might have been the irregular meals she's been taking. Good thing her Mum got home before I left. A change of shift. I'm off duty. Mum's turn to be on duty. lol... Gotta rush off to the town to get something. lol...
7:00pm - Void Deck at Peilin's block
Well waiting for my Godsis to be back from work, I sat below her block remeniscing about my childhood while looking at the kids on their way home from school. Grannies, grandaddies, mommies, daddies, escorting their beloved child back home. Ahhh... those were the days. Hmm.. think I took the school bus home instead when I was in primary school. I'm more independent, no mummy or granddaddy to come pick me up. Haha!
8:30pm - My neighbourhood
Wile walking home from the bus stop, I passed by a small park and playgrounds along the way. It's the mid-autumn festival here. Saw the kids and parents happily lightening up candles and lanterns to celebrate. Sigh.. even more remeniscing. It's such a quiet mid-autumn festival for me this year. No candles, no lanterns, no celebration.
11:00am - Compasspoint
Met up Lisi to buy hair dye at Watson. It's gonna be a dye-hair-day for us! We gonna try colour and highlight each other's hair! Oh boy, I'm nervous! I've never helped anyone dye her hair before! Back at Lisi's place, we started working on each other's hair. I left the dye on my hair longer for it's tougher my hair to absorb the dye. While waiting for the hair dye to settle into our hair, we catch The Whole 10 Yards on DVD. All thanks to Michael! *winkz* It was really hilarious! Great laugh if you ever needed one.
3:45pm - Lisi's Living Room
After washing the base colour dye off, we head on to experimenting the highlighting bit. I was the first to try since I needed more time for the dye to be absorb. *sniffs sniffs* I had bit and bits of aluminium all over my head. Mine was folded into flat pieces. Whereas when it was Lisi's turn, I had hers wrapped and folded into little round balls. Haha.. We both make perfect aliens! *Drums roll please* Funky hairstyle of the year goes to us! We won! :p
6:50pm - GV @ Tampinese Mall
Darn! Damn! We overshot our timing for the hair highlightening session. We almost missed the timing for the movie. Left with no choice we took the cab down. After some implications/complications over the movie tickets, we finally managed to get our arse into the cinema. The Terminal, the movie we've been waiting for! Yeah, finally! We missed a little of the starting, but hey it's alright. The movie's still great! I simply loved it! Mmm Mmm mmm~ Really a BIG BIG thank you to G! If not for him, Lisi and I would never had caught that.
9:00pm - Basement of Tampinese Mall
After getting my curry puff for dinner... Yes! Only a pathetic tasty-licious curry puff for my dinner! As I was saying, after getting that puff I spotted one of the guys we the vball gang normally play with by the beach. What a surprise. We found out his name is Cheng San. Cool.. Cya at the vball games then Cheng San.
Whole day and night @ home - Staring at my computer screen
Spent the whole time watching season 1 of SEX AND THE CITY! Woo hooo hoo! Yippy! Great humour. Loved it, it's funny. Pretty clothes and hair and shoes! And a really big eye opener for me too, made me more receptive to what's going on outside the world, from my little nutshell here. So that's pretty much about it for my Thursday. Engrossed with Sex, oops.. I meant Sex and the City. *chuckles*
11:00am - @ home
I'm a bad gal cum daughter. It's my Mummy's birthday today! And to think I dare go out instead of staying home to accompany/celebrate my Mum's birthday. But all for a good cause. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!!
2:00pm - @ an Interview
My Dad got me to my interview at his friend's office. Through the interview I'm to try get a job in that company. Hell, I don't even know what's the post I'm applying for either. And the funny thing is, they haven't thought of a job title for it yet. Bummer. The job scope sounds very taxing, something like creating and maintaining the company website while keeping track of the traffic and site hits, monitoring the site and incoming enquries etc. And to cope with some admin work and customer service via emails and stuffs. My Gwad! I've never done anything like this. So pray hard for me then peeps! Not sure if I would be happy if I do get such a job. But beats nothing, worth giving it a shot since it sounds challenging. Yeah right, challenging. Oh Gwad~
5:30pm - REDS @ Suntec
Finally decided to snap off the unruly hair of mine. Greg, my hairstylist, gave me a slight trim which is pretty slight that it takes one observant enough to notice it. Well, for sure I'm that so-called observant one. Haha! Well, at least my hair felt much more controlled. [Okay, sounds like I'm only trying to deceive no one but I. Okay, just kidding. Whatever.] Lisi came after I finish my cut. We snap pics of me and ourselves. It's like becoming a ritual or something, I had to snap a pic or 2 or more of myself in the new cut to commemorate the snipped hair. Hahaha...
7:45pm - Plaza Singapura
After grabing a quick bite at KFC [the uncle behind the counter who served us was really friendly, but he talks too much. More actions and less words please!], we rushed off to catch the New Police Story starring Jacky Chan. Thought we [together with Marz, Mingli, G, Zhang Jun] were almost late for the 8pm show. Lucky for us, there were too many advertisment/trailers before the show. [Imagine 20mins of those] The movie was nice and funny too, so many young cute guys acting in the show. *drools* Daniel Wu's looking great as ever, haha. :p
10:50am - ECP [East Cost Park]
Weee Yeee heee! Hell it's been so many months since I gone blading! Lucky for me, Jacky had the time to get into some blading action. Boy, I'm not as good as I used to be man. I can't go as fast as I used to either. *Shrugs* Got tired after awhile into blading, had to take a number of rest. Wonder what ever happend to my stamina man?! It's still lovely to feel the wind brushing past my face! Not to mention I had a 2 or 3 small falls, nothing serious and no scars, think it's just the rust. Haha... Think I should try do more blading some time.
1:30pm - Old Airport Road Hawker
A pity Duke couldn't join us for our blading session [over time at work]. We called him to join us for lunch, too bad he ain't free. So it's left with Jacky and I to feed our growling tummies. The chicken rice I had was yucky. We shared rojak. It was great. But the Q was long. You even had to take a Q number to wait for your turn to order. Gosh, when did ordering food at a hawker centre become so high-tech? Made me felt like we were visiting the clinic or something. Lol...
7:30pm - Paradize Centre
Dad brought my Mum, bro and I to Tao's Morden Pacific Cuisine at Paradize Centre to have a mini post b'day celebration for my Mum. Under $30 per pax, we get to enjoy a 7 course set dinner. The waiter and waitress who served us were cute and had a real sense of humour. It had been a really enjoyable meal. Think I won't mind going there once in a while with friends or family. :) Good place to have a mini celebration too, we can indulge ourselves with the tasty 7 courses. The starters, soups, entrees, desserts, beverages rocks! I really loved all the dishes, well you can say that.
P.S. PHEW~ I finally made it to the end. Very draining to type out the 7-in-1, haha.. so please pardon any spelling and/or grammer mistakes. Signing off then. Tata~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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6 years ago