It's raining again. In the morning. Woke up feeling cold under my think blankets. Haha.. But still kept me feeling warm underneath it. What a lovely weather to stay in bed all morning! Too bad I gotta wake up early for my eye appointment today. Hope it wont cost me another bomb, for here I'm off for my appointment. After that I gotta go Sentosa collect my Islander card on such a weather. Today's the last day to collect it. I'm always so last minute. Tsk tsk. And so after that it's back to freelancing at that company. Pretty much happening in a day then eh... Good Morning Rain!
P.S. From what I just blogged, think I'm crappier in the mornings. Haha! Adios~
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
Lucky cat have arrived!
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