I'm pretty traumatized still. Awwww..... Guess I'm kinda taking this biz a tad too seriously eh.
Me and my Godsis, Peilin, sorta missed him on stage. We so very much wanted to catch him dance to one of his cool songs [that's the only song he dances to on stage that day]. But never did we expect him to be such a good boy and was punctual for his gig, outside Cineleisure. Oh man! What luck! Nevertheless he's still cute and we enjoyed the rest of the his songs and games before they start his autograph session. I think he even smiled at me when he looked in my direction, he gazed for a pretty long while. Think he remembers me! Well, it seemed like it. But after that he didn't dare look towards my direction, thinks he's shy. [Yeah man, I can dream on] Haha... Anyway this time I managed to snap a few closer shots of JJ [as compared to the 1st encounter in August].
So after sometime spent queuing up to get his autograph, I finally managed to get on stage and meet him even up close and personal. The guy in front of me was trying to snap a few pictures of him. And I too decided to try get some shots with "my" Nokia 7610. And just right in front of JJ, that guy before me asked JJ's manager to help take a photo of them together. Aww.. that got me excited! When it was my turn, I practically had to beg that fu*king bitch manager to help take a pic of me n JJ with my phone. [*shrugs* I left my camera with Peilin, who's waiting for me off stage] She said NO! I swear I look like some pathetic pup begging to be taken home. Puppy approached failed. Guess she's not much of an animal lover. So I looked at JJ, hoping he will defend me or say something! Argh... Not much help, worse was the other bitch manager behind him ganged up with that other and both refused to obliged to my little request. HA! Think they are just jealous 'cos I'm taller than them. Hrmp! So the best I could do was to snap a pic or 2 of JJ alone in the frame without me. But he's too busy signing the CD covers that 70% of the time he's keeping his head down. I wasn't lucky enuff to get the rest of the 30%.
After the miserable ordeal on stage, I found my way to Peilin. Then that's when it dawn on me that I didn't even get to shake hands with JJ while I was up there. All the others did. Damn! Talk about luck again! Some lucky girls before and after me even got JJ to write down their names on the cover along with his autograph. Argh! I forgot to get him do that since I was absorbed trying to get a pic together with him [if not he would have found out my name. haha]. Talk about luck once again! I hate that marker they let him used to sign the CDs. Sucky, ink looking thin while strokes looking thick. Good thing I already had the other version of his album signed with a much better marker back in August. Yeah~
P.S. I even saw Billy Koh, think he might have spotted me while I was trying to hide my gaze from him. Hope he didn't really notice me. Perhaps he don't even remember me anymore. Haha... Am I getting a little paranoid these days man?
P.S.S. That's not my hand in the "JJ & hand". Some idiot had to wave during that moment. But I kinda like the shot. Somehow made the photo look kinda artistic. *giggles*