What you are about to read and see is not for the faint hearted.
Alot of BLOOD and pain has been sacrificed for this!
Please leave this site at once if you are not prepared for this.
Okay, if you are still hanging around, here goes...
Think I must be going through a pretty rough patch in life at the moment. Not long ago in the morning, I paid 189 bucks just to have this nasty pimple in my lower right eyelid removed. Bloody hell!
Here's roughly how my mini eye operation went [might have left out some points]:
1] had a drop or 2 of eyedrops to pre-numb my right eye a little
2] the eye specialist injected 2 shots into my lower eyelid to really numb the eye
3] then he pried into my lower eyelid and had some metal tool clipping the pimple area
4] next he poked this very sharp needle or something into the pimple [lucky I can't feel the pain]
5] and he started swirling with this very small metal spoon, digging all the pus from within [I can see the action]
6] and ocassionally poking the pimple with the needle again and then removing the pus [lucky I can't feel a thing]
7] applied some eye cream and it's done
Gotta go back for a check up again next Friday. More $ flying away? Now my eye's still feeling a little numbed from the injection. I can't blink. And I got a "bloodshot" eye. Haha...
Actually it wasn't so bad, not much pain just a pinch in the pockets. What's worse was I had a really nasty fall last Saturday while I was out blading with my friend. My God! Speeding really kills! At first all's going very well, I'm enjoying the speed with wind blowing in my face. Damn, I just love the wind doing that to me! As I was approching the zebra crossing area, there's these few people who wanted to cross it. Well funny thing is, in this particular park on earth the pedestrians give way to the bladers at the zebra crossings. But seems like they must be new aliens who just landed on planet earth. I could see that they wanted to cross the path, yet they couldn't make up their mind whether to stop walking or carry on walking when they saw me approaching. So there I went, with a BIG slam onto the dirty, hard, rough path straight away. Damn! My reflexes are so quick! I can't believe it, I did it again! I fell! Wound measuring about 7cm in length and 4cm in width which I think means "Congrats! You're gonna get a BIG scar after!" There you go, another new collection to my scar collection. It shall be by far the biggest one. Should I be happy or just cry about it? #@*&% I only have myself to blame! So no more skirts in future!?!?! And to think I just bought 2 new pretty girlie skirts before the accident! Aww... #$%&*@!#
Actually that wasn't really bad [Yeah right, my ass! You can say that again! #$%&*]. Think my wound's rotting! Hell! The wound keeps emitting out horrible pus with layers of horrid looking don't know what thing or skin or flesh around the area and it looks like it's decaying or something, starting to eat up my flesh. I can feel the flesh being eaten away, I gotta limp for a few days 'cos of the sensation. Can someone tell me am I dying? Now for the time being I can't wear my pretty skirts with that disgusting wound/scar there. Hell, that's such a killer! I only have myself to blame.
Actually what's worst to come is that I can feel a painful bluge on each of my eyes around the brows area. Think trouble is brewing from within. Pimple trouble. Oh man, I just got rid of the one in my right eye, now comes 2 new members. Damn it! Will they ever gimme a break? Woo, think I can feel a small one somewhere near my nose area too. Christ! 3 of 'em! Papa pimple, Mama pimple Baby pimple, one big happy family? God! What have I done wrong to deserve such treatment? Is this some kinda test or something? I hate exams okay! Alright, I only have myself to blame, for not taking good care of myself. Let me carrying on rotting away then. Tsk tsk... so far all these physical pain is nothing, child's play, guess I'm already numbed to pain. It's these emotional pain that's killing me! Really getting down on me. *Sigh*
Okay, to lighten the mood a little, I'm gonna share something more pleasant. That day after the saddening fall I had, I had this strong urge to eat fried vermicelli [It's called 东粉 in Chinese, means East Powder when literally translated. Haha, so funny. It's actually long thin transparent like strands kinda pasta] in dark sauce with diced onions and minced pork. Somehow missed that dish I ate at a hawker months back. So I tried to whip up a similiar one for my lunch that day. I make a terrible cook I must say, dirtying up the cooking area just for one small dish. My mum had to stand beside and help me cook, I ended up more like her assistant cook. Haha... Though a tad dry, it was really tasty! Yummy!
Okay, something a little more pleasant then? Well, I just bought this moisturizing lip balm from Biotherm. - Aquasource Lèvres, an intensely moisturizing balm for smoother, irresistible lips! A genuine lip care, Aquasource Lèvrees is a delicate pink balm with a luscious, fruity scent of peach. Perfectly moisturized, lips are smoother and better protected. Soft to the touch, full and tantalizing to the eye, radiating with natural beauty. Glamour guaranteed! - Really guaranteed! And I'm really lovin' it!!! I can't help but keep applying it onto my lips whenever possible! Mmm mmm... yummy lips. Haha.. [if only I can test those lips out. *grinz*]
Alrighty, something else a little more pleasant?? For 2 days this week, I went to work part time for this media company as a freelance designer. Helped out with a few little ad projects. Nothing much, my design/skills/speed sucks, ended up watching the art director helping me design my work/s. Haha, what a disgrace to myself. All in all the people there are very nice and helpful. Had a nice time there learning a bit more about graphics design for ads from the art director. :) Hope he din find me a pest, employing me to help them out yet ending up otherwise. Tsk tsk...
So there you go. Painful Tough Times! Now do enjoy the pix. *sinister laughters*
You can see:
1] the blood sitting along the rim of me eye
2] how the wound looks like fresh few hours after the fall. hungry?
3] my lunch that fateful day, looking like worms? haha
P.S. Mic, if you ever made it to this point. I beg you NEVER EVER again tell me not to fall when I'm going for my blading session. Think that has become a sorta curse! Thanks loads.