Having been M.I.A [Missing In Action] from my MSN for ages, I decided to log on in today and catch up with long lost friends. Tsk tsk... Of cos they were happy and delighted to see me logged on. [You know who you are] Haha...
And so the story begins.
Michael messaged me. Usual 'Hi's were exchanged. I asked how he was doing and he replied it was in fact the lousiest day he ever had. When I probed further, he revealed that his relationship with the gal whom he loved so much had just ended. He sounded so upset that I had to let his good buddy, Jan, know about it. Jan forced me to get down to Michael's place to check on him. [Okay, "forced" wasn't the right word, I'm only kidding. Relax peeps] I quickly grabbed whatever's wearable on the pile of clothes beside my bed, took a quick shower, got changed and flew out of my flat. [I didn't even had proper time to put on decent enuff makeup, but it's okay] So there I was at Michael's place asap. He looked like he's lost his soul or something, eyes staring aimlessly into the air and ranting on softly about what had happened while tying to be brave and not shed anymore tears for that girl. I can see he's feeling pretty shattered, I can't blame him for not being so. Love hurts! Love sucks at times too. But if you can get over it and conquer it all, you will be as happy as can be. Anyway I was saying, he seemed so heart broken that I really not know what to say to comfort him. All I could offer was a listening ear and lousy advices accompanied with cracky lame jokes. Haha...
And so I accompanied Michael to his school to sign out for his attendance before we hopped on down to Esplanade. I'm gonna introduce him to a chocolatey cool place. Chocolate is good! Chocolate is healthy! Chocolate is cure! Max Brenner Chocolate Bar, #01-06/08: A complete range of chocolate products for you to induldge in ultimate decadence. Go there for a cure now. If not for a cool chocolate hang out nevertheless. I'm goinng try my luck with the chocolate fondue the next time round. Guess the chocolate dosage ain't great enuff to overpower Mic's broken pieces. Tried telling him my past humourous/embarrassing experiences to help cheer him up. A break up ain't necessarily a bad thing, it helps one grow and learn to move on. I told him to start writing a diary or a blog or something, jote em down and few months or years later, read em up again and have a good laugh about yourself. [That's my case, hope it woks for everyone] I even offered to let him scribble his tots down in my scrapped book with the red pen provided. Here's what he wrote and with permission to pin it up here:
Once more I found out that I am not in control of my life. I hate that and no matter how hard I try I cannot change it. I did everything for her and what I got back was rejection and unthankfulness. Probably it is a good thing so I learned to appreciate my friends more.
P.S. If you [meaning Michael himself] read this again remember what Angela and Jan did for you.
Next stop, Paulaner Brauhaus, a German resturant [near Suntec] with instructions from Jan: to bring Mic over and fill ourselves with FREE food and FREE beer! Yeah! FREE! [yah cheapskate me!]. The sausages were great, but not really for the beer, not really my kinda beer [perhaps hoegaarden might be better? lol]. So Mic and I hang around the entrance with our FREE food and beer in hand and I spotted Jan talking to another guy nearby, skin-head, with cool piercings [one of em on his lower lip], wearing stylish specs. And I was like thinking, "Hey! He looks familiar. I think I 'know' this guy. Got to know him through friendster. I'm suppose to be his stalker man ['cos I spotted him in town before when he was back for a short holiday but he didn't see me.]"
After awhile, it's just us 3 sitting at one corner with Mic pouring out the "scoop" over again. Really interesting to hear what Jan had to say, I've gotta admit women and men really have different kinds of viewpoints and advices for a same suitation. Intriguing. Well, I totally agree with Jan. Something like you gotta ask yourself the answer, there's only a Yes - we can be together or No - we cannot be together; we as friends can't help you, we can only offer comfort and advice. The ultimate choice is still yours to make.... blah blah blah [his advices made good sense though I can't really remember if that's what came out of him. haha]
Later I the stalker finally got introduced to that guy [you know, the one with the piercings]. We shoke hands, exchanged brief greetings and that's it. End of stalking. We've sloved the mystery. Haha... Well he's still a cool guy, Jan's colleague. So I see, this guy's finally back from Aussie and settled for a job. Good for him, now think I should really start finding me a job too.
Alright, guess Mic seems to be feeling better a little I hope, and time wasn't early. We decided to hit back home. But before we did, we or rather I did a very very BAD BAD BAD thing, of cos with instigation from 2 good pals beside me. Haha, while we keep a look out, Mic and I quickly stuffed the cool Paulaner Brauhaus glass beer mugs [0.3 litre each] into my sling baggy. One for Mic, one for me. That leaves Jan clean, damn! Lol... Ho ho ho! Shhh! People you are not allowed to leak this evil deed out to anyone, especially to any law enforcer. It was for sheer trill I think? Those glass mugs look so cute you know, tall and slim and cool. Lame! Lame! Lame! Anyway what's done cannot be undone. *winkz* Who hasen't stole before? Example, stolen other's partner/boyfriend/girlfriend. Okay, totally out of point. I'm gonna go find a nice place to showcase my new found glass. Hahahaha!
End of story. Signing out. Tata.
P.S. Mic! Hope you are feeling fine already. What I think: She's not ready to be with you. She can't get over the family and friends hurdle for ya yet. The more you give the harder you tend to fall, likewise for expectation, the higher your expectations, the more disappointed you get if things turn out otherwise.. Life is too short to remind yourself how hurt you are. K, whatever that was. Forget about all bad happenings and live life to the fullest! Better things will surely come your way. It's only a matter of time. Lol.
P.S.S. Gals and guys, as long as you are my friend, be sure you can count on me anytime if you ever need a listening ear or crying shoulder. I will be availabe for comforting services from Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm. Anything more than that I'm charging $60 per hour. I can provide tissues for free. Lol. Okay, just kidding. I'm sure you know what I mean. :) [Trix, I seriously will charge you the airfare for flying over to lend you my ear and shoulder... lol]
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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6 years ago