It's been raining pretty often lately, I guess that signifies the coming of our "winter" here? Lol. Instead of snowing, it's actually raining here. Oh dear! You can't leave home without an umbrella anymore for these few months. Sucky but still I love the rain, providing you are warm and sheltered. It's nice to be sungged up cosily somewhere enjoying the wind and coldness that the rain brings along with it. A plus if you have that special someone there to share such moments together with. Oh well, as for now I'll just enjoy that on my own. Je suis le vent - I am the wind~
Just today I finally got the chance to put on one of my fav. jacket. Thick red and grey stripes hooded jacket [from Topshop]. I really love jackets, but blame it for the hot and humid weather here I hardly ever had much chance to wear 'em. So guess with the coming "winter" soon, I'm finally able to wear me jackets? Hmm, but I only have a limited few. Sucky. =p
Received another call yesterday, it's from the Art Director of that company where I last helped freelance for. He said he needed me to help 'em out with a few projects as they are pretty caught up with lotsa work. That's cool, was glad that I've not been a trouble for them the previous time. So I think why not just go give it another shot since I need some income to feed me tummy. So there I was in the same office working along with the same few guys. Guess it's actually not that bad after all. At least I manage to complete a few design stuffs today [design wise it's nothing fanciful nor beautiful]. =) But lemme tell you, it really ain't easy working for graphics/print design. Deadlines Deadlines! Think web design's datelines are a tad better but so damn draggy, it's so draggy that it can drag for months up to a year and still it's not completed. *Shrugs* A very good example will be my personal homepage that I'm still trying to work on. Haha! Anyway hopefully I'll be able to get something up and live in November. So better watch out for it peeps!!
P.S. Hope by making that statement, it can really pushes me to get it up live and running in Nov!. Erm, if not Dec? Hmm, or perhaps 2005? Haha!!! I can't help but laugh at my own procrastination. =p
A Purry Luck
*Cat070- Purry Luck*
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