Tuesday 13 January 2004

Personality VS horoscope

Did some personality test some time back. Came across something abt my horoscope too. So here are the results. U be the judge n see whether what's described/said abt me is true or not.

Personality Test Results [sentences/words in bold are what I feel is really true]:

Who I Am

I'm a woman who celebrates life
I have an optimistic outlook and believe in enjoying the good things in life. Life should be "balanced" with lots of time for fun, spontaneity, and romance. I refuse to settle long-term for a boring job or doing something just because it's expected of me. Love is the same way. I can't pretend to care for someone if I'm missing a deep connection. I have lots of friends who really enjoy hearing my jokes and great stories. I'm ready and able to experience romance and a powerful "spark" with someone special. My biggest challenge may be finding time to connect given my busy (and often frantic) life.

What's dating all about to me?
Finding a loving relationship is an ongoing journey for me. I try to learn from each date and new experience and move on. Falling in love comes naturally to me. It doesn't have to make sense. I'm ready to "go with the flow" and see where it leads.

Because I thrive on new adventures and excitement, long-term relationships can be boring. And when I'm bored, I typically try to shake things up. Deciding when and with whom I'm ready to "settle down" is a special challenge for me.

[Guess it's 99% bold eh? hahaha]

Me Horoscope [sentences/words in bold are what I feel is really true]:

Aries is the cardinal-fire sign which translates into life loving and highly energized and this describes their needs concerning love as well. As a partner they make life exciting, albeit occasionally tiring, and you cannot help but feel rather joyful and light hearted when you're in their company. It's that blend of innocence (the lamb) with pure power (the ram) that is so captivating about an Aries mate.

They don't understand the meaning of the word routine, however, and boredom is the number one killer of Aries romances. Aries loves as boldly and as strongly as it experiences life. From sports to personal challenges Aries are usually not happy unless they are moving after something.

With Mars as their ruling planet often times their entire lives are about channeling and putting that immense power to work for them. It's not uncommon to find an Aries firmly committed to a long term volatile arrangement that leaves those around them wondering why they would stay. The truth is they often thrive on that kind of intensity and it can do far less damage than existing within a relationship that has grown routine and stagnant. When an Aries loves they LOVE.

The partner is hoisted up onto a pedestal whether they want to be there or not and they become a treasure to be protected and guarded passionately. The love of an Aries life often becomes the driving motivation for their challenging goals and the phrase, "I did this for YOU" is one heard in many of the best Aries relationships.

Aries Sexuality
Aries sexuality is driven, powerful and almost a feat of showmanship when they are truly captivated. Since Aries tend to be action/goal oriented sex can become a series of higher plateaus involving anything their fertile imaginations can conjure up. Aries are the zodiac show-off and the bedroom isn't excluded from their dramatic and captivating ability to get partners undivided attention. The more appreciated they feel the more they invest in their lovemaking and private boundaries exist only to give an Aries something to leap over. Marathons of passion, spontaneous liaisons in the most unexpected places and inexhaustible stamina are all part of the Aries basic sexual make-up.

The Long Term Story
Lots of pampering and a lot of attention are needed with an Aries lover as they thrive on feeling they are number one in your life. They love to do the initial chasing and are usually not attracted to being chased but once their heart is given you can't ever over-do your displays of affection. While they can be jealous and possessive you cannot show the same qualities and any kind of clinging is a sure fire way to drive them into new pastures. Under all the Aries bravado and show is actually a rather innocent child who simply wants to explore the wonderful world around them and to be appreciated. The more encouraged they are in either area the more exuberant they become.

Positive Traits in Love
Exuberance, expressiveness, passion, generosity, adoration, protectiveness, adventuress, fun loving, creative and energized lovemaking, and devotion.

Negative Traits
Temperamental, jealous, possessive, ego oriented, inconsiderate, reckless, fickle

What an Aries Likes
Being number one
, A positive attitude, A life loving comrade, A partner who has style or a 'look', Being Seen Getting gifts, Loyalty, Being active together. Romance and dazzle.
[oh my, true!]

What an Aries Dislikes
Being bored
, Being chased, Sloppiness in a mate, Criticism, Anything mundane, Feeling unappreciated, Feeling inferior, Losing, Having to repeat things. Displays of insecurity.
[how very true too]

Aries Love Keywords
, romantic, original, passionate, energized, creative, spontaneous

[heh heh... so now some of you peeps out there know what's me horoscope then eh]